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Brilliantly framed as a detective story, this book is a must for anyone interested in apples and the old-timey experts behind the scenes. Filled with photographs and beautiful illustrations. read more


An approachable botany textbook and herbal field guide to North American plants with colorful illustrations on nearly every page. Regularly updated by the author since its release in 1996. read more


A soil science book for everyone! Filled with farmer anecdotes, insightful reference charts, and illustrations, this book is both engrossing and practical for anyone who works with soil. read more


From the manipulation of ants into zombies to diaper-digesting fungi in landfills—each page is a revelation, infused with curiosity and a breadth of perspective. read more


by Kirsten K. Shockey and Christopher Shockey, 376 pages, 8x9, softcover. With more than 140 recipes that excite and intrigue, this book is... read more


Growing Great Garlic

The definitive guide to growing garlic. He covers varietal differences and history, and provides in-depth cultural information on growing, harvesting, storing and marketing garlic. read more


Covers gathering plants, drying them, and making simple household medicine: teas, tinctures, and more. A distillation of many years of herbal relationships, documented with beautiful pictures. read more


Covers a wide range of crops, while addressing orchard design, dynamics and horticulture in unparalleled detail. Pruning, planting, companion planting, spraying, not spraying—it's all here! read more


An evidence-based guide to companion planting, covering living mulches, trellis plants; and duos to minimize pests, suppress diseases; support pest-eating beneficial insects, and feed pollinators. read more


Putting Food By

First published in 1973, this comprehensive guide to canning, freezing and drying the garden’s bounty has been updated and offers useful recipes and trustworthy food-safety protocols. read more


Root Cellaring

If thoughts of crisp carrots in March set your mouth watering, you'll love this well-illustrated tour of root cellar designs, featuring varietal selections, best storage conditions, and recipes. read more


by Robert Kourik, 486 pages, 8½x11, softcover. Don’t fear the thickness of this tome—it’s saving you from reading a 3-foot-tall stack of papers,... read more
